Die Kollegen von www.freeduino.org haben mit viel Arbeit eine unvergleichliche Website mit Links rund um den Arduino geschaffen und auch noch das Kopieren dieser Seite erlaubt. Meinen herzlichen Dank dafür!
Ich habe mich entschieden, diese Seite zu kopieren und bei mir mit meinen Links weiterzupflegen. Als Sprache wird Englisch weiter verwendet, weil dann auch ausländische Kollegen etwas damit anfangen können. Die Anfangsbuchstaben des interessierenden Themas können angeklickt werden:
- ACCELEROMETER: tutorial on using the Memsic 2125 accelerometer with Arduino/Freeduino
- ACCELEROMETER: another post on using the Memsic 2125 Rad*o Sha*k variant accelerometer with Arduino/Freeduino
- ACCELEROMETER: article on using the LIS3LV02DQ 3-axis accelerometer with Arduino/Freeduino
- ACCELEROMETER: an excellent article on using the ADXL330 with Amtega processors
- ACCELEROMETER: Hack the ADXL330 accelerometer used in a Wii "nunchcuck".
- ACCELEROMETER: connect the MMA7260QT 3-Axis Accelerometer to Arduino/Freeduino
- ADAPTER, DC: correct DC Adapter type to use for Arduino or Freeduino
- ADAPTER, DC: make a 9V battery clip for Arduino/Freeduino
- A/D converters: code for interfacing Arduino/Freeduino with a Dallas DS2450 quad A/d chip
- ANALOG TO FREQUENCY: code and patch to turn Arduino/Freeduino serial data into a frequency in MAX.
- ANALOG GAUGE: Make one with Arduino/Freeduino
- (APPLESCRIPT: blog post on how to use Arduino/Freeduino and Applescript to control your MAC )
- ARDUINO2MAX: a copyleft software package for interfacing Arduino/Freeduino's input pins to MAX/MSP
- Arduino API: reference
- Arduino BLOG: the Arduino team announces things related to the official Arduinotm products.
- Arduino BREADBOARD: how to build an arduino on a breadboard without a PCB.
- Arduino BT: main page
- Arduino BT: Burning the bootloader on the Arduino BT: with AVR-ISP
- Arduino BT: set-up for Mac OS X Tiger: tutorial
- Arduino BT: set-up for Windows XP: tutorial
- Arduino BT: change the security code and name of the module:tutorial
- Arduino BOARDS: list of official Arduino boards
- Arduino BOOKLET: the ultimate guide to Arduino, and it's free!
- Arduino BUILD PROCESS: see this page
- Arduino COMMAND REFERENCE: this page
- Arduino Single-sided DIY board- aka the "Severino"
- Arduino STANDALONE: PCB's for building standalone Freeduino's
- Arduino STANDALONE: another PCB supplier for making runtime versions of the Arduino/Freeduino
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the RBBB and Barebones, by the inimitable Modern Device Company
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Adafruit's slim-line narrow-gauge BoArduino
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: uDUINO, Super--minimalist Arduino/Freeduino clone
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: uDuino
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: iDuino, a very nice USB board for prototyping on a breadboard
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: protoDuino, the breakaway PCB
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: roboDuino (PCB files near bottom of page)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: stickDuino (PCB files)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Sanguino (PCB files are here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: DuinoStamp (PCB files are here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: SeeeDuino (Schematic and Reference design here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Funnel I/O (files available here, deep inside a ZIP file) -DEPRECATED-
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: ArduPilot (PCB design files are here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: PAPERduino: a paper-based Arduino/Freeduino clone (PDF here)
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: Hack The Badge, an AVR325p compatible board
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the eauDuino, a self-declared Freeduino! Kudos!
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the Illuminato Genesis by our friends at Liquidware
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the Jeenode wireless Freeduino: designed Modern Device and Jee Labs
- Arduino COMPATIBLE: the FREEDUINO EPIC! Designed by our friends at DH-Global.
- Arduino DIECIMILIA: description
- Arduino EXPLORER: Software for displaying memory, IO-pins, I2C-Bus and interrupt vectors.
- Arduino GETS TIRED: how to program sleep mode for your Arduino/Freeduino
- Arduino HARDWARE VERSIONS: see this page
- Arduino IDE: latest release
- Arduino IDE PREFERENCES: see this page
- Arduino LILYPAD: main description
- Arduino LILYPAD: buy it at Sparkfun
- Arduino LILYPAD: getting started guide
- Arduino MINI:general info page in the Playground
- Arduino MINI: tutorial on how to program with an Arduino NG
- Arduino MEGA1280: read all about it
- Arduino NG: introduction
- Arduino NG: current (aka amperage) output specs
- Arduino UNO: hardware page for Arduino UNO board
- Arduino SHIELDS: List of nearly all shields in the market
- Arduino SHIELDS: DFRobot LCD Keypad shield
- Arduino SHIELDS: Ethernet V5 shield
- Arduino SHIELDS: XBEE, see the Playground page
- Arduino SHIELDS: motor driver shield, see the Playground page
- Arduino SHIELDS: DIY Breadboard shield, see this page
- Arduino SHIELDS: breakout shield: Arduino to terminal blocks
- Arduino SHIELDS: the 'Danger' tutorial shield
- Arduino SHIELDS: excellent tutorial on making your own Shield
- Arduino SOFTWARE: latest release
- Arduino TRADEMARK AND LICENSING: See this very very very very very very very long forum thread for a community discussion of the tradmark and licensing issues associated with Arduino, and open-source hardware in general.
- Arduino WIKIPEDIA PAGE: here
- Arduino TUTORIALS: Ladyada's beginner's tutorials for Arduino
- ARDUPILOT: the world's cheapest UAV autopilot
ARDUSTAT: open-source, inexpensive galvanostat/potentiostat module for Arduino/Freeduino - AREF PIN: forum post on how to use the AREF pin
- ATMEGA8: pin mapping
- ATMEGA8L: forum post and Playground article
- ATMEGA168/328: pin mapping
- ATMEGA1280: datasheet with pinouts
- AUDIO: Arduino/Freeduino an control the Viniculum VMusic2
- AUDIO: real-time audio processing on an Arduino/Freeduino (we're sort of dubious about this one)
- AUDIO: Arduino/Freeduino listens via electret microphone
- AVR: use the Arduino or Freeduino as an AVR programmer!
- BAREBONES Arduino: by Modern Device Company
- BAREBONES Arduino: time-lapse assembly video
- BATTERY OPERATION: lead-acid battery
- BATTERY OPERATION: use a single AAA battery to power Arduino
- BATTERY OPERATION: Instructable on using a niCad pack with a Boarduino
- BATTERY OPERATION: a slew of stats on running an Arduino and Xbee on batteries
- BEER: UcHobby post on how to make a beer thermostat. Who says Arduino/Freeduino isn't fun?
- BEGINNER'S BOOKS: suggested books on electronics for beginners
- BINARY CLOCK: blog post on how to make a Binary Clock with Arduino/Freeduino
- BIT MATH: tutorial
- BLINKING LED: tutorial
- BLUETOOTH: hack Bluetooth capability of the Wiimote to make Arduino or Freeduino wireless
- BOARDUINO: Ladyada's inexpensive and compact Arduino clone, avalaible at Adafruit.com (Design Files here)
- BOOKLET: the free Arduino booklet!
- BOOTCLONER: copy the Arduino Bootloader
- BOOTLOADER: hex file for Atmega8: search for Arduino CVS & or Arduino Berlios
- BOOTLOADER: hex file for Atmega168: ditto
- BOOTLOADER: hex file for Arduino BT *BOOTLOADER: Burning the bootloader on the Arduino BT: tutorial
- BOOTLOADER: build a parallel programmer to burn the bootloader
- BOOTLOADER: copy with "bootcloner"
- BOOTLOADER: programmer for burning the adaboot
- BREADBOARD Arduino: tutorial
- BREADBOARD SHIELD: DIY, see this page
- BUILD PROCESS: see this page
- BUTTON: read a button push tutorial
- BUTTON: read a button push, and treat as on/off signal tutorial
- C: to interface to C code, see this page
- CAMERA: control a Canon EOS 400 with Arduino or Freeduino
- CAMERA: forum post with camera control code
- CAMERA: pan-tilt code
- CAMERA: code and diagrams for making a flash trigger for cameras...
- CAMERA: blog post on how to catch lightning on your camera, using an Arduino
- CAMERA: blog posting and Eagle files for building a intervalometer/sound trigger for a camera
- CAMERA: catch a drop of liquid with this Arduino./Freeduino shutter trigger
- CAMERA: motion trigger based on Arduino/Freeduino
- CAPACITIVE SENSING: forum post on using two Freeduino or Arduino pins for capacitive touch sensing
- CELL PHONE: talking to the Freeduino or Arduino BT from a Nokia cell via Python code
- CELL PHONE: Flashing an LED via cell phone and Applescript
- CELL PHONE: Cell phone SMS Library for Arduino/Freeduino
- CHAT SERVER: connect to a chat sever using Arduino
- CLOCK: derive the real time from a DCF77 radio clock
- CLOCK: and a little later, someone wrote this post about using the DS1307!
- CLOCK: blog post on how to make a Binary Clock with Arduino/Freeduino
- COMMAND LINE: more command-line code for serial comms.
- COMPASS: a blog post on using the HMC6532
- COMPASS: and another post on getting your heading with an HMC6532
- COMPASS: forum post on using the HMC6532 compass chip
- COMPONENTS: on the Freeduino or Arduino board
- CONWAY'S GAME OF LIFE: make one with Arduino/Freeduino
- COURSEWARE: Arduino courseware project
- CRAL: An Arduino and Freeduino Library Repository
- DAC: Proto-DAC, a digital to analog shield for the Arduino
- DALLAS 1-WIRE PROTOCOL: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temp sensor
- DALLAS 1-WIRE DS1307: do scheduled temperature collection with this sketch
- DALLAS TEMPERATURE SENSORS: tutorial and code for interfacing with the 18B20 temp sensor to the Freeduino or Arduino. See also the "TEMPERATURE" heading below.
- DALLAS A/D: code for interfacing Freeduino or Arduino with a Dallas DS2450 quad A/d chip
- DATAFLASH: An Uber-cool library that lets your Freeduino or Arduino talk to an external flash memory chip. This is great tool for things like building a data logger, or just storing data in general. Here's the code.
- DATALOGGER: Wulfden.org's cool Data logger with real-time clock and serial eeprom
- DC ADAPTER: what DC adapter to use with Freeduino or Arduino
- DC POWER: with lead-acid battery
- DC POWER: with 9V battery adapter
- DEBOUNCING: a guide to debouncing of switches
- DEVANTECH ULTRASONIC SENSORS: tutorial on using the Devantec SRF04 and SRF05 modules with Arduino or Freeduino
- DHCP: a DHCP library for the Ethernet shield
- DIGITAL TO ANALOG: Proto-DAC, a digital to analog shield for the Arduino
- DIMMING 3 LED'S: tutorial
- DIMMING AC LIGHTS: with dimmer pack, forum post
- DIRECT DIGITAL SYNTHESIS: Control the AD9851 DDS chip with Arduino/Freeduino
- DIRECTOR: to interface to Macromedi* Director, see the Playground page
- DISTANCE SENSOR: sense distance with a PING ultrasonic sensor and Arduino/Freeduino
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on interfacing a PING ultrasonic distance sensor
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on using a Devantec ultrasonic ranger module with Arduino or Freeduino
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on using the Devantec SRF04 and SRF05 modules
- DISTANCE SENSOR: tutorial on using the Sharp GP2D120 infrared ranging sensor
- DISTANCE SENSOR: code for the Maxbotix ultrasonic distance sensor (sonar), from a forum post
- DISTANCE SENSOR: blog post on using the Sha*p GP2Y0A02 sensor
- DIY BREADBOARD SHIELD: see this page
- DMX: how it works
- DMX: tutorial on making Arduino or Freeduino into an OPENDMX interface
- DMX: tutorial on making an Arduino or Freeduino DMX shield
- DRUMS: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- DUINOSTAMP: minimalist Arduino clone, or buy it here
- EEPROM: tricks for using the hidden EEPROM in the Freeduino or Arduino
- EEPROM: tutorial on interfacing Freeduino/ Arduino with a serial EEPROM using SPI
- ELECTRONICS: suggested books for beginners
- ELECTRONICS: other resources for beginners
- ELECTRONICS: circuit reference from the Wiring site
- ENERGY MONITORING: introducing the Enerduino!
- ETCH-A-SKETCH: need we say more?
- ETHERNET: Ladyada's ethernet shield
- EVENT TIMER: code and a blog post
- EXPANDING DIGITAL INPUTS: using the CD4021 with Arduino/Freeduino
- EXPANDING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: use the Phil*ps 4794 shift register to multiply outputs
- EXPANDING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- EXPANDING PWM OUTPUTS: tutorial on using the TLC5940 to multiplex PWM outputs
- FAN: read the RPM of a fan controlled by Freeduino/Arduino
- FIRMATA: firmware for using the Freeduino/Arduino as a sensor box in PD, VVVV, Flash, Python, MAX, Processing...
- FLASH: send data to Macromedi* Flash from Arduino: see the Playground page
- FLASH TRIGGER: for cameras...
- FLASHING LED: tutorial
- FLASHING LED's in sequence (Knight Rider): tutorial
- FREEDUINO BOARD: Barebones Arduino by Modern Device
- FREEDUINO BOARD : Arduino/Freeduino Runtime by NKC Electronics
- FUNCTIONS: forum post on how to write one
- GALVANOSTAT: open-source, inexpensive galvanostat/potentiostat module for Arduino/Freeduino
- GALVANOSTAT: which leads to the question: what the heck is a galvanostat, anyway?
- GPS: An entire library by David Cuartielles for GPS on Arduino
- GPS: the TinyGPS Library for Arduino/Freeduino, by Mikal Hart
- GPS: code for parsing data from EM-406 GPS module
- GPS: interface Freeduino/Arduino to a Paralla* GPS module: tutorial
- GPS: forum thread on building a GPS navigation unit with Arduino/Freeduino
- GPS: the inimitable Ladyada's GPS Data logger shield.
- GPS: code for an Arduino-Freeduino based GPS tracker/logger that logs GPS position information to the Arduino's on-board EEPROM
- GRAPHING: real-time graphing of Arduino/Freeduino data, using a processing sketch.
- GSM: CC-released schematic and board files for an Arduino/Freeduino GSM cellular shield
- HACKING Arduino/Freeduino: a set of pages on hacking the Arduino code and hardware
- HALL EFFECT SENSORS: as in magnetic sensing, not hallways. Forum thread is here.
- HELLO WORLD: the first step in Arduino/Freeduino programming
- HMC6532: forum post on using the HMC6532 compass chip
- HTML: how to control an Freeduino or Arduino remotely with HTML form
HUMIDITY SENSOR: Blog post and code on how to connect an SHT-15 to Arduino/Freeduino
- I2C: how to use multiple I2C devices
- I2C: communicate between two Arduino/Freeduino
- I2C: even more on making I2C work with Arduino
- I2C: connecting temp sensors with I2C
- IDE: Arduino/Freeduino IDE
- IDE PREFERENCES: see this page
- iDuino: a cool standalone board for prototyping!
- INFRARED DECODING: Infrared decoding with pin change interrupts
- INFRARED MOTION SENSOR: code for using the Paralla* IR motion sensor
- INFRARED MODULES: using standard infrared receiver modules with Arduino/Freeduino
- INFRARED MODULES: how to use standard Panasonic IR modules with Arduino/Freeduino
- INFRARED REMOTE CODE: IR Remote code for Arduino or Freeduino
- INFRARED REMOTE: a nice multi-platform IR Remote library
- INSTRUMENTATION: presenting the MPGuino. (If you really want to save the earth, don't buy a car.)
- INTERRUPTS: Wikipedia article
- INTERRUPTS: article on how to use interrupts with Arduino/Freeduino
- INTERRUPTS: an excellent article by UCHobby on how to use interrupts with Arduino/Freeduino
- INTERRUPTS: a tutorial on using Arduino interrupts
- INTERRUPTS: the overhead of Arduino interrupts
- INTERRUPTS: using pin change interrupts and a example sketch
- INTERRUPTS: using pin change interrupts with Arduiono
- INTERRUPTS: Infrared decoding with pin change interrupts
- INTERRUPTS: Infra Red receiver with pin change inteerupts
- INTERVALOMETER: ultra-cool page on how to build an ultra-cool photographer's helper gizmo. This an incredibly detailed article and a generous gift to the community, to which we award our two gold stars, our highest honour: This is a terrific piece of work: check out the USER MANUAL! Sets the standard.
- INTERVALOMETER: blog posting and Eagle files for building a intervalometer/sound trigger for a camera
- INTERVALOMETER: yet another intervalometer based on Arduino/Freeduino, this time for your Canon camera
- IPOD: control an ipod with optoisolators
- IPOD: serial code for remote control by Arduino/Freeduino
- IPOD: even more serial IPOD code for Freeduino/Arduino
- IPOD: a great library for controlling Ipod's (page is in Japanese)
- IPOD: more IPOD interface research courtesy of another ITP student
- JOYSTICK: tutorial on how to interface a joystick to Arduino/Freeduino
- JOYSTICK: control a servo with a joystick
- KEYPAD: tutorial on using matrix keypads
- KEYPAD: another keypad project- we think this one is key to understanding pads.
- KEYPAD: another blog post on the key subject of reading pads with keys- aka keypads
- KEYPAD: connecting a matrix keypad to an AVR controller
- KNOCK SENSOR: Arduino or Freeduino tutorial on sensing a knock at the door, or table, or wall
- KNOCK SENSOR: join Arduino/Freeduino and Processing in open-source knocking harmony
- L293: tutorial on driving a DC motor with an L293 motor driver chip
- L297: forum post on using the L297 motor driver chip
- L298: for stepper motor control
- LABVIEW: what is that anyway? Find out in this blog post.
- LCD: tutorial on the LCD library
- LCD: interface to an 8-bit LCD display with Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: tutorial on using a serial LCD with the Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: forum post on using the Nokia 3130 graphical LCD with the Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: interfacing the Arduino/Freeduino to the Noki* S1D15G10 graphic display
- LCD: tutorial on making a 3-wire LCD interface
- LCD: detailed article on the ins and outs of LCD interfacing to Arduino/Freeduino
- LCD: library for the HD44780
- LCD: blog post on using an HD44780 based LCD
- LCD: program code generator for homebrew characters on a HD44780 display
- LED: blinking a single LED on pin 13 tutorial
- LED: driving a series of LED's with a 74HC595: tutorial
- LED: using a transistor to drive more than one LED from a single pin: schematic
- LED: dimming 3 LED'S: tutorial
- LED: flashing LED's in sequence: tutorial
- LED: shooting star tutorial
- LED: tutorial on doing 3-colour cross-fades with a potentiometer
- LED: tutorial for a LED colour mixer with three potentiometers
- LED: use the Phil*ps 4794 shift register to multiplex 8 LED's connected to Arduino/Freeduino
- LED: 3 LED cross-fade with Arduino/Freeduino
- LED CUBE: blog post with code and video
- LED FADER: 32 LED fader with Arduino
- LED MATRIX: forum post1 on using the MAX7219 chip to drive an 8*8 array of LED's, and forum post 2 on daisy-chaining multiple MAX7219's
- LED MATRIX: code for using the Sparkfun RGB Matrix LED "backpack" with the Arduino/Freeduino
- LED MATRIX: Experimental library for using the MAX7219 and MAX7221 LED matrix driver chips
- LED MATRIX: using the STP16C596 16-bit Constant Current LED Sink Driver
- LED MATRIX: Multiplexing the MAX72xxx to drive a two-color matrix
- LED PEGBOARD: the 'PEGGY 2.0" Arduino-compatible led board, by those ultra-cool folks over at Evil Mad Scientist Labs
- LEVEL CONVERSION: how to convert a 12V signal to 5V for the Arduino/Freeduino's inputs.
- LIBERLAB: Add a lab coat to Arduino, become a scientist! Open-source lab platform.
- LIBRARIES: main page
- LIBRARY, DALLAS: Miles Burtons lib for Dallas temperature seonsors
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: matrix keypad: tutorial
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Servo library for up to 8 servos
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Servo on pins 9 & 10 only
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: for the MAX7219 or MAX7211 LED matrix driver chips
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: LCD: library for the HD44780
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Cell phone SMS Library for Arduino/Freeduino
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: library for controlling Ipod's (page is in Japanese)
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: a nice multi-platform IR Remote library
- LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: Dal*as one-wire temperature sensor library
- LIBRARY ONEWIRE: contributed lib 2.0 for 1Wire devices
- LIBRARY NEWSOFTSERIAL: contributed lib for serial interfaces on every digital port
- LIBRARY, STANDARD: text string
- LIBRARY, STANDARD: SoftwareSerial
- LIBRARY, STANDARD: Metro, for timing
- LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: servo (* may require modifications for use with Arduino/Freeduino *)
- LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: encoder (* may require modifications for use with Arduino/Freeduino *)
- LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: Qslide touch sensor library (* may require modifications for use with Arduino/Freeduino *)
- LIGHT SENSOR: forum post on connecting 3-pin type
- LIGHT SENSOR: French forum post on how to use an LED as a light sensor; english version
- LIGHT SENSOR: a video showing how a light sensor should work if you get it going properly
- LIGHTNING: blog post on how to catch lightning on your camera, using an Arduino
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Debian Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on FreeBSD
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Gentoo Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Red Hat Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on Ubuntu Linux
- LINUX: Arduino/Freeduino on SUSE 64 bit
- LINUX: blog post on using Arduino/Freeduino on old powerbook with Ubuntu PPC.
- LINUX TTY: to interface to Linux TTY, see this page
- LOW POWER: how to put the Arduino to sleep to save power
- LOW POWER: forum post and Playground article on using the ATmega8L (low power ATMEGA8)
- MAGNETIC FIELD SENSING: See this excellent primer and instructions on magnetic field sensing with Arduino/ Freeduino! Thanks E.M.S.L.
- MATH: bit math tutorial
- MATH: tutorial on Scaling integers
- MATH: Todbot explains how to do big strings in Arduino. OK, we realize this is not really math.
- MATRIX KEYPAD: tutorial
- MAX7219: forum post1: using the MAX7219 chip to drive an 8*8 array of LED's; post 2: daisy-chaining multiple chips
- MAX/MSP/JITTER: see the Playground page
- MEMORY: SD card reads and writes with Arduino/Freeduino
- MEMORY: See also the SD CARD heading
- MEMORY: Don't forget to get connected to a USB memory stick
- MIDI: yes, it's a Midi-controlled SEGA master system sound chip...
- MIDI: how to deal with Midi Clock signals in Arduino
- MIDI: blog post on how to convert MIDI clock to Sync 24
- MIDI: this guy seems to be a master of Arduino <> Midi research: many good posts
- MIDI: a library of MIDI commands for Arduino/Freeduino
- MIDI: a whole shield for sending and receiving MIDI
- MIDI: Wireless MIDI for Arduino/Freeduino via Xbee and Ladyada
- MIDI IN: Arduino/Freeduino forum member 'kuk' solves the age-old problem of how to get midi in on the Arduino/Freeduino
- MIDI IN: turn the data from eight pots into Midi
- MIDI IN: control four digital pots through Arduino via MIDI
- MIDI OUT: tutorial on sending midi from an Arduino or Freeduino
- MIDI OUT: read a piezo and send midi notes tutorial
- MIDI OUT : midi player code
- MIDI OUT: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- MIDI OUT: a midi pedal for Arduino/Freeduino
- MMC: what is that anyway? Inquiring minds want to know.
- MONOMUINO: more info here on work towards a Monome/Arduino shield
- MOTION SENSOR: code for using the Paralla* IR motion sensor
- MOTORS:tutorial on driving a DC motor with an L293 motor driver chip
- MOTORS:tutorial on driving a unipolar stepper motor
- MOTORS: forum post on using Arduino/Freeduino and an L297 motor driver chip to drive a motor in two directions
- MOTORS: ladyada's motorshield
- MOTORS: UCHobby post on an optically controlled fan motor
- MOTORS: interface to the L293D chip to drive a motor. (The "D" version has internal protection diodes.)
- MOUSE: interface to an optical mouse
- MOUSE: interfacing to a PS/2 mouse
- MP3: Arduino controls the Vinicul*m VMusic2
- MP3: control MP3's with the YAMP III and Arduino
- MULTIPLEXING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: use the Phil*ps 4794 shift register to multiply outputs
- MULTIPLEXING DIGITAL OUTPUTS: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- MULTIPLEXING LED'S: Multiplexing the MAX72xxx to drive a two-color matrix
- MULTIPLEXING PWM OUTPUTS: tutorial on using the TLC5940 to multiplex PWM outputs
- MUSIC: play melodies through a piezo speaker connected to Arduino
- MUSIC: play musical algorithms through a speaker connected to Arduino
- MUSIC: Narbotic's Arduino synthesizer
- MUSIC: forum discussion on how to generate control voltages for synths
- MUSIC: UCHobby's article on how to make sound with the Arduino
- MUSIC: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- MUSIC: Barebones-based hardware/software synthesizer
- MUSIC: diagram and video describing an Arduino Punk Console
- MUSIC: Control the AD9851 DDS synthesizer chip with Arduino/Freeduino
- NES: Use an old NES Controller as an input device for Freeduino / Arduino
- NIXIE TUBES: Ogilumen has it covered, with open-sourced code and product
- NOKIA LCD: forum post on interfacing to the Arduino to the Noki* S1D15G10 graphic display
- OLED: Use Oled's with Arduino (in Spanish)
- ONE-WIRE: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temperature sensor
- ONE-WIRE: monitoring electricity consumption with a 1Wire device
- OPEN SOURCE: the reference designs for Arduino are open-source, under a Creative Commons license
- OPENDMX: tutorial on making Arduino into an OPENDMX interface
- OPENWRT: hotplug script for OpenWRT
- OPPORTUNISTIC PROTOTYPING: see the free Arduino booklet!
- OPTICAL MOUSE: interface to an optical mouse
- OPTOISOLATORS: interface Freeduino/Arduino to an ipod using optoisolators
- OSCILLOSCOPE: An Arduino-based scope! (In Spanish)
- OSCILLOSCOPE: the poor man's oscilloscope, made using Arduino & Processing
- PAPERduino: a paper-based Arduino/Freeduino clone
- PARTICLE DISPLAY: blog post on making particle displays with leds
- PCM AUDIO: do 80hz-8Khz PCM audio on Arduino or Freeduino
- PDUINO: to interface to PDuino, see the Playground page.
- PDUINO: Arduino code for easy interface to PD... get it here
- PEAK: code to find a peak value over time
- PERL: interface from Perl to an Arduino driving an LCD
- PERL: script to talk to Arduino from LINUX
- PERFBOARD: Build your own Arduino/Freeduino on a perfboard
- PERSISTENCE OF VISION: how-to blog post
- PERSISTENCE OF VISION: ... And another blog post on a POV Project, with code and pictures
- PERSISTENCE OF VISION: Wireless POV! In Spanish. (and part 2 of the same article.)
- PHIDGETS: shield for use with Phidget sensors
- PHOTOGRAPHY: ultra-cool page on how to build an multi-purpose intervalometer/remote trigger gizmo.
- PHP: controlling Arduino over USB via PHP. Whew, that was a lot of acronyms.
- PHP: how to connect Arduino/Freeduino and XPORT using PHP
- PHP: connect to Arduino via the PHP Plushie Message Framework. Seriously.
- PHP: Arduino forum post on using PHP with Arduino
- PHYSICAL PIXEL CONTROL: code to control leds from MAX
- PING: tutorial on using the PING ultrasonic distance sensor
- PIEZO: read a piezo knock sensor tutorial
- PIEZO: play melodies through a piezo speaker
- PIEZO: this blow sensor tutorial will blow your mind
- PLAY: tones from a keyboard through the serial port to Arduino tutorial
- PLAY: tones through a piezo speaker
- PLAYGROUND: the Arduino user's wiki
- PONG: do something useful with your Arduino.
- POTENTIOMETER: tutorial on how to read a potentiometer
- POTENTIOMETER: tutorial on how to control a digital potentiometer using SPI
- POTENTIOSTAT: open-source, inexpensive galvanostat/potentiostat module for Arduino
- PRESSURE SENSORS: tutorial on using conductive foam as a sensor
- PRESSURE SENSORS: a nice blog post on connecting Freescale pressure sensors
- PROCESSING: to interface Arduino to Processing, check the Playground page
- PROCESSING: Arduino meets Processing web site
- PROCESSING: an open-source image creation/control software
- PROCESSING: using Processing to send values to Arduino/Freeduino
- PROGRAMMERS: using an external programmer to burn sketches
- PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT: intro to the Arduino Programming Environment
- PROTO-DAC: a DAC(digital to analog) shield
- PROTOTYPING BOARDS: Eagle files for making your own Protoshield
- PROTOTYPING BOARDS: excellent tutorial on making your own Protoshield
- PROXIMITY (human) SENSOR: code for using the Paralla* or HVWTec* IR motion sensor
- PROXIMITY SENSOR: Motion tracking with two PIR Sensors
- PULSE COUNTER: build a digital pulse counter with an Arduino suing interrupts
- PURE DATA: to interface to PD, see the Playground page.
- PWM: see this link to add up to 16 PWM outputs to Arduino
- PWM: PWM all the digital pins in a sinewave pattern
- PWM: run PWM on all pins. Seat belt not included.
- PWM: an Instructable on using a TLC5940 to obtain a whole lot of PWM outputs
- PWM AUDIO: UCHobby blog post about PWM audio for Arduino/ Freeduino
- PUSHBUTTON: read a button push tutorial
- PUSHBUTTON: read a button push, and treat as on/off signal tutorial
- PYTHON: talk to Arduino with Python
- PYTHON: 2B protocol
- PYTHON: Use Python and an Arduino to control four servos
- QTPROX: code for using the QTProx401 touch sensor
- R/C INTERFACE: a nice blog post with some pretty pictures showing how to RCduino.
- R/C SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY, EXPERIMENTAL: servo on pins 9 & 10 only
- R/C SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY, FROM WIRING: servo (* may require modifications for use with Arduino *)
- R/C TRANSMITTER: interface Arduino/Freeduino to an R/C stick-type transmitter. With code
- REAL-TIME CLOCK: Wulfden.org's cool RTC module
- REAL-TIME CLOCK: derive the real time from a DCF77 radio clock
- REAL-TIME CLOCK: and a little later, someone wrote this post about using the DS1307!
- REAL_TIME CLOCK: even later on, CRAL put up this library for the DS1337
- REDUCE: Arduino 0007 sketch size hack
- RELAYS: drive a simple DC relay: schematic
- REMOTE CONTROL (IR): IR Remote code for Arduino or Freeduino
- RFID: read data from the Paralla* RFID reader module: tutorial
- RFID: code and a great article on how to interface Freeduino/Arduino to the Innovations ID-12 RFID
- RIBBON SENSOR( TOUCH): DIY Article on how to make a ribbon sensor suitable for Arduino
- ROBODUINO: The best open-source Arduino/Freeduino-based robotics platform, derived from the original Arduino/Freeduino files.
- ROBOT PLATFORM: use Arduino/Freeduino as a platform for a robot, aka "Larrybot"!
- RUBY: to interface Arduino to ruby, see the Playground Page
- SCALING: Not about fish. this post shows you how to scale floating-point numbers.
- SCALING: Also not about fish. How to scale integers.
- SD CARD: a blog post on SD interfacing, with a whole lot of other acronyms like MMC and AVRLIB.
- SD CARD: more, more more on SD card reading and writing
- SD CARD: another blog post on making a "top drawer SD reader"
- SECOND LIFE: to interface to Second Life, see the Playground page
- SENSING 12V: forum thread
- SENSING DIRECTION: forum post on using the HMC6532 compass chip
- SENSORS: a general list of sensors in the Sensor Wiki
- SENSOR, ACCELERATION: tutorial on using the Memsic 2125 accelerometer with Arduino
- SENSOR, BREATH : this blow sensor tutorial is a breath of fresh air
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on interfacing a PING ultrasonic distance sensor
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on using a Devantec ultrasonic ranger module
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on using the Devantec SRF04 and SRF05 modules
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: tutorial on using the Sharp GP2D120 infrared ranging sensor
- SENSOR, DISTANCE : tutorial on using the SRF05 as a rangefinder
- SENSOR, DISTANCE: blog post on using the Sha*p GP2Y0A02 sensor
- SENSOR, GAS: sense ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and toluene
- SENSOR, GESTURE: video showing how an accelerometer can be used to sense human gesture
- SENSOR, HUMIDITY: Blog post and code on how to connect an SHT-15 to Arduino/Freeduino
- SENSOR, KNOCK: Arduino tutorial on sending a knock.
- SENSOR, LIGHT: forum post on connecting 3-pin photocell modules
- SENSOR, LIGHT: forum post on how to connect multiple photocells to the Arduino
- SENSOR, LIGHT: French forum post on how to use an LED as a light sensor; english version
- SENSOR, LIGHT: how to use a 2V solar panel as a light sensor
- SENSOR, MOTION: code for using the Paralla* or HVWTec* IR motion sensor
- SENSOR, POSITION: tutorial on using rotary encoders
- SENSOR, PRESSURE: tutorial on using conductive foam as a sensor
- SENSOR, PRESSURE: the infamous "IV bag" sensor video
- SENSOR, PRESSURE: a nice blog post on connecting Freescale pressure sensors
- SENSOR, PROXIMITY: code for using the Paralla* or HVWTec* IR motion sensor
- SENSOR, ROTATION: tutorial on using rotary encoders
- SENSOR, SOUND TRIGGER: Article on how to build a "sharp" sound trigger that can be easily interfaced to Freeduino or Arduino
- SENSOR, SOUND: Arduino/Freeduino listens to things via electret microphone
- SENSOR, SPEED: Check out the optical tachometer Instructable here.
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temp sensor
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: Tutorial on using an NTC thermistor with Arduino and processing
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: forum post on using the LM34 temperature sensors with Arduino
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: tutorial and code for interfacing with the 18B20 temp sensor
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: more code for interfacing with the DALLAS 18B20 temp sensor
- SENSOR, TEMPERATURE: code for doing thermistor conversions
- SENSOR, TOUCH: DIY Article on how to make a ribbon sensor suitable for Arduino
- SENSOR, TOUCH: code for using the QTProx401 touch sensor
- SENSOR, VELOCITY: see SENSOR, SPEED (look up five centimetres, or 2 inches in the US)
- SENSOR, WEATHER: modification of a ELV weather data receiver
- SENSOR, WEATHER: protocols of weather sensors (temperature, humidity)
- SERIAL EEPROM: tutorial on interfacing with a serial EEPROM using SPI
- SERIAL EEPROM: Wulfden.org's cool RTC module with on-board serial eeprom
- SERIAL PORT: a hack for using multiple serial devices on one port
- SERIAL LCD: tutorial on using a serial LCD with the Arduino
- SERVO MOTOR LIBRARY: servo on pins 9 & 10 only
- SERVO MOTOR: code and instructions for creating 16 PWM/Servo motor outputs, using a TLC5940
- SERVO MOTOR: blog post including code for the HItec brand of servo.
- SERVO MOTOR: use Python and an Arduino to control four servos
- SERVO MOTOR: even more servo code on this blog post
- SERVO MOTOR: control a servo after reading this tutorial!
- SEVERINO: the single-sided DIY Arduino
- SHIELDS: see "Arduino SHIELDS" above
- SHIFT REGISTER: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- SIMPLE MESSAGE SYSTEM: firmware for improved serial communication between Arduino and a host PC
- SLEEP MODE: Arduino needs rest sometimes. Here's how to give it some time in sleep mode
- SMS: Cell phone SMS Library for Arduino/Freeduino
- SOFTWARE SERIAL: see the SoftwareSerial library, or the older tutorial
- SOLAR POWER: get the sun working for you.
- SOLAR POWER: More sunny info
- SOLENOIDS: a tutorial on driving solenoids
- SOLENOIDS: use a transistor to drive a solenoid from an Arduino pin: schematic
- SMOOTHING DATA: from a sensor, for example.
- SONAR: code for the Maxbotix ultrasonic distance sensor (sonar), from a forum post
- SOUND: control an ipod with optoisolators
- SOUND: serial code for remote control of an IPOD by Arduino
- SOUND: blog posting and Eagle files for building a intervalometer/sound trigger for a camera
- SOUND: Arduino/Freeduino listens to things via electret microphone
- SPEECH: Midi Speech for Arduino using the SPO256-AL2 chip
- SPEECH:another blog post on Midi Speech for Arduino using the SPO256-AL2 chip and Ableton Live
- SPI: tutorial on interfacing with a serial EEPROM using SPI (with introduction to SPI)
- SPI: tutorial on how to control a digital potentiometer using SPI
- STEPPER MOTORS: tutorial on driving a unipolar stepper motor with the Arduino
- STRINGS: Todbot explains how to do big strings in Arduino. (That's "strings" in the metaphorical sense.)
- SUPERCOLLIDER: to interface to Supercollider, see the Playground page
- SYNTHESIZER: play melodies through a piezo speaker connected to Arduino
- SYNTHESIZER: play musical algorithms through a speaker connected to Arduino
- SYNTHESIZER: Narbotic's Arduino synthesizer
- SYNTHESIZER: forum discussion on how to generate control voltages for synths
- SYNTHESIZER: the amazing Ardrumo: code and software for a drum kit!
- SYNTHESIZER: Barebones-based hardware/software synthesizer
- SYNTHESIZER: diagram and video describing an Arduino Punk Console
- TACHOMETER, OPTICAL: check out the instructable here
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temp sensor
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: Tutorial on using an NTC thermistor with Arduino and processing
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: forum post on using the LM34/35 temperature sensors with Arduino
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: tutorial and code for interfacing with the 18B20 temp sensor
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: more code for interfacing with the DALLAS 18B20 temp sensor
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: code for doing thermistor conversions
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: how to use an LM35 with I2C to sense temperature
- TEMPERATURE SENSOR: even more on using the LM35 with Arduino/Freeduino
- THEREMIN: forum post on using Freeduino or Arduino as a Theremin
- THEREMIN: blog post on making a Theremin with Arduino
- THEREMIN: a good blog post on how to make a theremin-like device with Processing/Arduino/Freeduino
- TILT SENSOR: tutorial
- TIME: derive the real time from a DCF77 radio clock
- TIME: and a little later, someone wrote this post about using the DS1307!
- TIMER: Arduino timer interrupts
- TOUCH SENSING: code for using the QTProx401 touch sensor
- TOUCH SENSING:forum post on using two Arduino pins for capacitive touch sensing
- TRANSISTOR: use to drive more than one LED from an Arduino pin: schematic
- TRANSISTOR: use to drive a relay from an Arduino pin: schematic
- TRANSISTOR: use to drive a solenoid from an Arduino pin: schematic
- TROUBLESHOOTING: troubleshooting section of the Arduino Guide
- TUTORIALS: see the Arduino main site and Playground.
- TUTORIAL SHIELD: see the 'Danger' tutorial shield
- TWI: hack the TWI (two-wire interface) of a Wii "nunchuck" to use with Arduino.
- UAV: Ardupilot, the world's cheapest UAV Autopilot!
- UBUNTU PPC: blog post on using Arduino on old powerbook with Ubuntu.
- uDUINO: Super--minimalist Arduino/Freeduino clone
- ULTRASONIC: tutorial on interfacing a PING ultrasonic sensor
- ULTRASONIC: sketch and tutorial for interfacing a PING Ultrasonic sensor
- ULTRASONIC: tutorial on using the SRF05 as a rangefinder
- VGA: were not sure why this is a good idea, but click here to hack VGA with Arduino./Freeduino
- VIDEO: forum post on generating composite video with the Arduino... and another forum post...
- VIRTUAL COLOUR FADER: code and MAX patch for fading leds on Freeduino or Arduino through MAX
- VVVV: to interface to VVVV, see the Playground page
- Watchdog and Arduino at tushev.org
- WEB: scrape websites using the Arduino
- WEB: how to connect Arduino/Freeduino and an XPORT to a Web Server, coded in PHP
- Wii: interface Arduino to a Wii "nunchuck". This is a cheap way of getting some accelerometer action!
- Wii: Use the Bluetooth capability of the Wiimote to make Arduino wireless
- Wii: todbot's Wii nunchuck adapter pcb
- WIND SPEED: building a long-term wind speed instrument with a microcontroller
- WIRELESS: XBee Shield
- WIRELESS: connect Arduino to the EasyRadio transceiver module,
- WIRELESS: wireless communication? with PC and Arduino board using bluetooth
- WIRING: site
- WWW: scrape websites using the Arduino
- WWW: connect to a chat server using Arduino
- XBEE: Arduino SHIELD: Playground page
- XBEE: Basics of XBEE
- XO LAPTOP: how to run Arduino on the XO laptop
- XPORT: how to connect Arduino/Freeduino and XPORT, with PHP too
- YAMP III: control with Arduino
- 1-WIRE: forum post interfacing to a Dallas 1-wire temperature sensor
- 1-WIRE: code for scheduled data collection with a DS1307
- 1-WIRE: Dall*s one-wire temperature sensor library
- 12V: how to convert a 12V signal to 5V for the Arduino's inputs.
- 18B20: tutorial and code for interfacing with the Dallas 18B20 temp sensor
- 4794:
- 4-bit LCD LIBRARY: here
- Maxim 72xxx: Multiplexing the MAX72xxx to drive a two-color matrix
- 74HC595: tutorial on multiplying digital outputs using a 74HC595 shift register
- 9V BATTERY ADAPTER: another guide!